Thursday, June 3, 2010

This morning as I was planning my day, I received a phone call that changed the plans I had made. I am reminded almost on a daily basis that I plan my way but it is God who orders my steps. Do I live in a way that God is able to order my steps or do I constantly fight for control? I want to always be in a position to be moved easily from one step to the next, not go kicking against what it is that God has for me. In my "humanness" I think I know what is best but in reality I would be lost without direction from the Lord Jesus.

Yesterday in my devotions one of the verses I read was Ps. 16:2...I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord; I have NO good apart from You." as I meditated on this verse the Lord said many things to me but one of the main thoughts I had was...are You really the Lord of my life. In this verse Lord is used as Adonai. Adonai means Lord and Master. So as I read that again putting Lord and Master in the place of the word Lord I had to asked myself "is He really Lord and Master over my entire life? I wish that I could tell you that I had no hesitation when answering it but I can't say that. I must answer honestly and say no He is not. Now that could be very discouraging to me or I could allow it to excite me to know that He is not finished with me yet and that I am a work in progress. If I say "yes, He is Lord and Master over all" then I really don't need Him anymore. I have "arrived". I have by no means arrived and have lots of growing to do. I am so thankful that He is still working on me and I can honestly say that I do attempt to allow Him to be Lord and Master but I am reminded on a daily basis that I must continue to commit that area of my life to Him. The little song that I used to sing with all of our older children and continue to sing with our youngest is a fantastic reminder that He is faithful to finish what He began in me. Here are the words for those of you who are not familiar with it

He's still workin on me
To make me what I ought to be
It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars,
How loving and patient He must be
Cause He's still workin on me

There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
Don't judge me yet I'm an unfinished part
But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hand

I for one am grateful to a loving Father who doesn't give up on me when He knows I am seeking Him to become all He wants me to be.....until next time, remember who you are and Whose you are.

Friday, May 28, 2010

His mercies are new every morning and I am so thankful. As I sit in my living room and watch the sunrise over the mountain I am reminded of what a GREAT God we serve. It is so quiet here and I am love this time of day. God reminds me of my need for Him and His grace on a daily basis. I am so thankful that His faithfulness does not depend on my faithfulness to Him. If it did I would be in a heap of trouble.

Our oldest daughter just sent me an article she wrote for an online magazine. It is designed for "tween and teen" young ladies. It is on self image. God reminded me once again that I am never to old to be insecure and depend on the "outside" world for my worth. I am grateful that in Psalm 119 I am told that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that no matter where I am I cannot get away from His love and care for me. All I am I am because of Him and His goodness in my life. I should need no other to confirm my worth and yet so often I find myself looking to others for it. People fail but He promises He will never leave me or forsake me. So why is it that I periodically get really "dumb"and allow myself to be disappointed and think more about what others think than what the Lord Himself thinks?

We just got back from the mountains for the day and I was once again reminded of the greatness of our God. We hiked, rode and enjoyed the beauty of His creation....I could not ask for a better day. Hope to post some pics of the beautiful waterfall we hiked to soon. Until next time, remember who you are and Whose you are.....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am new to this blogging stuff so be patient as I attempt to make this as interesting as I can. I may not post daily but I will try to at least weekly. I am excited to be able to share about my family and my faithful God. He has done and continues to do so much in our lives. We are blessed to be a part of an incredible church and community. I will never be able to express my gratitude for the Lord moving us to where we are and allowing us to be on this journey with Him.

I have the best job in the world as a wife and mom. I have an incredible husband who walks with the Lord and I get to be his wife...what a blessings. I have four incredible children who constantly surprise me with their abilities and talent. Our children range in ages 28 to 7. One really cool stat is that I was 21 when I had my oldest and she was 21 when I had my youngest. God is good and He also has a wonderful sense of humor.

That's a little about my family and myself. I hope you enjoy and will want to keep up with us through this blog.